Bureaux - à louer - 1000 Bruxelles - 37 538 €

2310 m²


An imposing building dating from the early 20th century, ideally located between Saint-Michel and Sainte-Gudule cathedrals, the Saint-Hubert Royal Galleries and the Grand-Place, in the heart of the Ile Sainte. Thanks to its exceptional location close to public transport (central station, metro and bus stations) and in the heart of the historic center of Brussels, the building is particularly attractive. Having undergone major renovation, the building now offers comfortable, modern contemporary office space, while retaining its atypical appearance. The current floors can be divided for two different tenants with separate entrances and each with its own facilities: independent sanitary facilities, the possibility of having its own kitchen, its own duct (electricity and data) and its own server room on each floor, which can be air-conditioned thanks to a connection to the building's cooling network. The office areas are fully equipped. Occupants can enjoy three terraces accessible from the ground floor. These are made of wood and can, if required, be enhanced with a few plants to make them a much-appreciated place to relax in an office environment. Numerous catering facilities, as well as those for everyday needs, are nearby. PRM accessibility. Small surface area available for rent. PEB : on demand Common charges : 11€/m²/year Regional & Communal tax : 31 €/m²/year Property tax : 24 €/m²/an


Arenbergstraat 5 - 1000 Bruxelles


Référence 5959373
Catégorie Bureaux
Meublé Non
Surface 2310 m²
Disponibilité immédiatement
Bureaux 1000 Bruxelles 37 538 €

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