

Prestigious neoclassical mansion ideally located on the edge of the European quarter. Close to both the upper town (Boulevard de Waterloo/Avenue Louise) and the historic heart of Brussels (Grand Place), this location is ideal for soft mobility. Easily accessible by all means of transport, this magnificent building currently houses three floors of office space and a staff flat under the roof. Ideal for an owner-occupier looking for an illustrious office space with attractive accommodation above. The offices are on the ground to second floors, and the accommodation is on the third and fourth floors. The 173 m² flat forms a duplex with a paronamic terrace. A project has already been carried out to modernise the building, but planning permission has not yet been granted. Pictures of the project can be supplied on request. The property is currently let as is. Annual income: 38 400 €. Shares deal.


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan


17 Avenue des Arts 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-NoodeBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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