Kantoorgebouw - te huur - 1000 Bruxelles -

14 - 114 m²


The office spaces are located on the prestigious Avenue des Arts, in the heart of the European district. We offer high-end, elegantly designed offices as well as an exquisite gourmet restaurant. Our building is easily accessible by public transport or car and features high-quality materials and services. Come discover our inspiring and high-end workspaces in the heart of Brussels. Working space fully equipped. A kitchenette per floor is at disposal of all customers including micro-waves, fridge, coffee, tea and water facilities. All meeting rooms are created with professional audio and video equipment. The spaces are fully dressed with great quality of furniture in order to create a real harmony in daily and professional life. A private parking is available. VAT : 21% ALL IN RENT


Avenue des Arts 6 - 1000 Bruxelles


Referentie 5822600
Categorie Kantoorgebouw
Gemeubeld Nee
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk


Bouwjaar 1998

Naam, Categorie & Ligging

verdiepingen - aantal 10
Kantoorgebouw 1000 Bruxelles

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
ARTS 6 +5 Kantoor 4000 € 27 m²
ARTS 6 +5 Kantoor 1750 € 14 m²
ARTS 6 +5 Kantoor 3500 € 26 m²
ARTS 6 +5 Kantoor 2100 € 19 m²
ARTS 6 +6 Kantoor 4800 € 28 m²

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