Kantoorgebouw - te huur - 1160 Auderghem -

578 - 1685 m² PEB : B


Very nice building totally renovated and ideally located along the Avenue Hermann Debroux, next to the Forêt de Soignes. Direct access to the motorway network as well as to public transport (Metro). Refined architecture, technical and ecological excellence, calm light workplace with natural gardened forecourt and surrounds. HD54 offers large and comfortable offices that catch the natural light, with a breathtaking view of the forest and the city of Brussels. The gardens with terraces offer sweet moments of relaxation. HD54 has achieved a BREEAM certification of excellence, for a building of exemplary energy efficiency. Many facilities exist in and around the building, such as gym, yoga, restaurants. Meeting rooms and cafeteria facilities available. An open air space offers a perfect place for short sunny breaks. PEB B • Charges approx. : 50 €/m²/year • Communal & regional taxes approx.: 27 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx.: 30 €/m²/year This information is not contractual.


Avenue Hermann Debrouxlaan 54 - 1160 Auderghem


Referentie 2974723
Categorie Kantoorgebouw
Gemeubeld Nee
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk

Naam, Categorie & Ligging

verdiepingen - aantal 6


EPC-klasse B

Prijs & kosten

onroerende voorheffing - prijs/m²/j 30 €

Administratief & Financieel

gemeente belastingen (€/m²/j) 10 €
regionale belastingen (€/m²/j) 10 €
Kantoorgebouw 1160 Auderghem

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
DEBROUX 54 +4 Kantoor 8429 € 578 m²
DEBROUX 54 +7<8 Kantoor 17527 € 1107 m²
DEBROUX 54 1/100 Binnenstaanplaats 142 € 0 m²

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