Individuele handelszaak - te huur - 5500 Dinant -

31 - 281 m²


A magnifient building with character, ideally located on Dinant's Grand Place (Place Reine Astrid), opposite Dinant's collegiate church and the cable car to the fort. The building offers an incredible retail space of +/- 280 m² spread over four levels. Apart from the ground floor and the first floor, which go together, each floor can be rented separately. Ground floor and +1 tenants can take advantage of the cellar on -1 but the building also features a storage area with a shared kitchen at an attractive rent on +4. The building's location gives it exceptional visibility, in addition to its remarkable architecture. A magnificent store par excellence, this atypical space is ideal for luxury businesses such as chocolatiers, leather goods makers, jewelers and quality ready-to-wear. Completely and luxuriously renovated in 2015, it is even equipped with an elevator serving all floors. The building has also been custom-furnished in noble woods and fitted with professional lighting fixtures. An alarm and security cameras complete the building. • Private charges or prorated according to number of tenants • Property taxes approx.: 13 €/m²/year This information is not contractual.


Place Reine Astrid 13-14 - 5500 Dinant


Referentie 6120080
Categorie Individuele handelszaak
Individuele handelszaak 5500 Dinant

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
EX-MAISON DE GREEF +2 Individuele handelszaak 1500 € 50 m²
EX-MAISON DE GREEF +3 Individuele handelszaak 1500 € 50 m²
EX-MAISON DE GREEF +4 Andere 750 € 50 m²
EX-MAISON DE GREEF 0+1 Individuele handelszaak 2500 € 100 m²
EX-MAISON DE GREEF -1 Andere   31 m²

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