

The Tour Louise is one of the most prestigious office towers along the Avenue Louise. Being completely renovated to offer maximum comfort while respecting modernity standards, the office surfaces are large, bright, flexible and ready to use. With a luxurious entrance hall and a welcoming and warm reception, the building has been designed with the well-being of the occupants in mind as it is composed of superb landscaped gardens, terraces and common areas ideal for disconnecting from the constraints working hours. On the ground floor are catering facilities, as well as a library for peaceful solitary retreats. Many services are available to occupants such as meeting rooms, a conciergerie, baristas for coffee breaks, yoga classes, bicycle parking and maintenance, charging point for cars and electric scooters, showers and large lockers. All amenities are within walking distance such as a wide choice of restaurants, hotels, museums and galleries, cafes, gyms, etc. This building aims for a BREEAM Excellent certification, Wiredscore Platinum and Well Platinum. Indoor parking available. • Communal and regional taxes approx. : 28 €/m²/year • Charges : 50 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx. : TBC • TVA: 21% This information is not contractual.
PEB : Ap


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan


149 Avenue Louise Louizalaan1050 IxellesBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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