

Elegant office building located on the prestigious Avenue Louise at a walking distance from the Etangs de Bruxelles and the Bois de la Cambre. Easily accessible by public transportation, this recently renovated building offers bright, modern, comfortable office space, fully adapted to the new ways of working. The 10th and 11th floors can be connected to form a duplex. These two floors also each have a terrace, ideal for short breaks and optimizing productivity. With the Jardin du Roi and Parc Tenbosch nearby, L375 benefits from an abundance of green rest areas, contrasting with the hustle and bustle of the urban environment, making it the perfect place to work. These parks are ideal places to relax or simply enjoy sunny lunches. Showers and bicycle parkings available, 10 EV parking lots. A lot of facilities in the area (Restaurants, snacks, shops, services...). L375 aims to achieve the highest standards in certifications through ‘BREEAM in use Excellent’ and ‘WELL Bronze’. PEB B+ • Charges approx. : 17 € / sqm² / year • Communal and regional taxes approx. : 26 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx. : 32 €/m²/year TVA 21% This information is not contractual.


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan
LOUISE 375 0 m²


375 Avenue Louise Louizalaan1050 IxellesBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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