Kantoorgebouw - te huur - 1000 Bruxelles -

500 - 7859 m² PEB : C


Very prestigious office building recently renovated on the Avenue Louise. The property is a multi-tenant office building with different retail shops on the ground level. Easy access by public transportation, bicycle parking with showers. The Mezzanine features 1.788 m² and can be divided as per 500m² in 2 or 3 parts. The “Stephanie Square” benefits from the whole range of prestigious services that this location offers (hotels, banks, restaurants, shops, cinemas, boutiques, etc.). A business center in the building gives you maximum flexibility for meeting rooms. PEB : C+ • Charges : 44 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx.: 39 €/m²/year • Communal & regional taxes approx.: 28 €/m²/year This information is not contractual.


Avenue Louise 65 - 1000 Bruxelles


Referentie 2974621
Categorie Kantoorgebouw
Gemeubeld Nee
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk

Naam, Categorie & Ligging

verdiepingen - aantal 7

Administratief & Financieel

lasten (€/m²/j) - prijs/m²/j 42 €
gemeente belastingen (€/m²/j) 9 €
regionale belastingen (€/m²/j) 11 €


EPC-klasse C

Prijs & kosten

onroerende voorheffing - prijs/m²/j 38 €
Kantoorgebouw 1000 Bruxelles

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
LOUISE 65 +1 MEZZA Kantoor 28310 € 1788 m²
LOUISE 65 +4 Kantoor 55124 € 2281 m²
LOUISE 65 +6 Kantoor 30000 € 1200 m²
LOUISE 65 +7 Kantoor 45157 € 1748 m²
LOUISE 65 +8/+9 Kantoor 22453 € 842 m²
LOUISE 65 0 Archieven 775 € 93 m²
LOUISE 65 -1 Binnenstaanplaats 188 € 0 m²

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