Kantoorgebouw - te huur - 1070 Anderlecht -

730 - 4515 m²


Brand new office building ideally located in the fast-growing Industrial Boulevard district, close to the Gare du Midi and the ring road. Featuring a surprising design thanks to its fully curved façade, the building offers both flexible office space and meeting rooms adapted to specific needs. This superb, innovative business site in a green zone that has been landscaped with respect for biodiversity to combine productivity with a healthy and peaceful environment. The building has been designed with a particular focus on logistical access, so that all levels of the building can accommodate each function. A series of themed patios provides natural daylight to illuminate the surfaces. Numerous facilities for day-to-day needs are planned to be located within the building itself. The fourth floor will be the rooftop with terrace and landscaped garden, ideal for horeca and for hosting events. Parking possibilities. • Charges : 35 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx.: 22 €/m²/year • TVA : 21% on the rent This information is not contractual.


Boulevard Industriel 2 - 1070 Anderlecht


Referentie 5824057
Categorie Kantoorgebouw
Gemeubeld Nee
Beschikbaarheid 01-06-2024
Kantoorgebouw 1070 Anderlecht

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
MOBILIS +2 left Kantoor 10646 € 730 m²
MOBILIS +2 right Kantoor 21671 € 1486 m²
MOBILIS +3 left Kantoor 11827 € 811 m²
MOBILIS +3 right Kantoor 21700 € 1488 m²
MOBILIS -1 Binnenstaanplaats 1920 € 0 m²

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