

Beautiful retail surfaces in the Quatuor Brussels. The building benefits from a strategic location in the North area, facing the city centre, close to the metro and the Gare du Nord. This gives it good visibility and enables future occupants to engage in all kinds of commercial activities. The project is designed to ensure very extensive flexibility in terms of occupation. It meets the highest quality, innovation and environmental performances standards. This building aims for a BREEAM “Excellent/Outstanding” certification. Several facilities are available such as a restaurant, electric car station, bicycle parking and parking, proximity to public transport. Extras are also available such as fitness classes. • Regional taxes approx.: 10 €/m²/year • Charges : 48 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx.: 40 €/m²/year This information is not contractual.


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan


30 Boudewijnlaan Boulevard Baudouin1000 BruxellesBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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