
Telecom Gardens consists of 4 high-quality buildings for companies looking for great flexibility in office layout with strict quality comfort standard. Located in a green environment, it offers easy to access by public transport or by car (near the ring with direct access to the airport) and excellent parking ratio. The buildings have marble floors in the entrance halls and laminate flooring in others. The façades feature natural stone, aluminium cladding and double-glazed aluminium windows. Office floors are carpeted. The floors in the washrooms and kitchenette are tiled. Telecom Gardens 36 offers 6542 m² of office space, a 338 m² archives and indoor and outdoor parking. The office areas are bathed in natural light and can be laid out as open-plan offices or partitioned as required. Five electric recharging points have recently been installed outside building 40. Park 3 Fonteinen with Horeca nearby is a great location for a walk or for jogging. As part of a bankruptcy, this building is being offered for sale. If you are interested, please contact us so that we can provide you with more information. PEB X REF : 20230502-0010455386-NR-1


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan


36 Medialaan 1800 VILVOORDEBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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