

Imposing new office building ideally located in the heart of Brussels. With its strong architectural identity, this building is easy to access and its strategic location encourages soft mobility. On the second, third and fourth floors, 7,500 m2 of ultra-modern office space will open onto an imposing glass atrium at the heart of the building, and a roof garden. A number of modern, sustainable techniques have been chosen, such as solar panels, heat pumps and maximum heat and cooling recovery, to reduce consumption as much as possible. The project is aiming for BREEAM Excellent certification, and fully meets the ambitions of the Brussels Region in terms of high-quality, multifunctional buildings fit for the future. 144 spaces for bicycles and 5 spaces for shared electric cars. A chain of Italian restaurants can be found on the ground floor, ideal for lovers of Italian cuisine. Other facilities are located in the vicinity of the building. Please contact us for details, the PRICE WILL BE VALIDATE AT THE DELIVERY OF THE PROJECT.


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan


65 Anspachlaan 1000 BruxellesBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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