Kantoorgebouw - te huur - 1800 VILVOORDE -

183 - 1104 m²


KanaalPark is a magnificent project near the centre of Vilvoorde, developed around the Tuchthuis, a historic building dating from 1773. Formerly a penitentiary, it was transformed into a military base, a prison and then into offices for the town. Today, it is the focus of a unique urban project. Easily accessible by car and public transport, KanaalPark is the first stage in the redevelopment of the canal zone, linking the centre of Vilvoorde to the Brussels ring road. The offices for rent offer top-of-the-range finishes, with air conditioning and raised access floors, in a setting that is both historic and modern, perfect for working in a pleasant environment. • Charges: TBC • Property taxes approx. : TBC • PEB : On request This information is not contractual.


Rondeweg 3 - 1800 VILVOORDE


Referentie 6346113
Categorie Kantoorgebouw
Gemeubeld Nee
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk


Bouwjaar 1999

Naam, Categorie & Ligging

verdiepingen - aantal 3
Kantoorgebouw 1800 VILVOORDE

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
TUCHTHUIS +0 Kantoor 2059 € 183 m²
TUCHTHUIS +2 Kantoor 3769 € 335 m²
TUCHTHUIS +3 Kantoor 2824 € 251 m²
TUCHTHUIS +1 Kantoor 3769 € 335 m²

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