Commercieel gelijkvloers - te huur - 1000 Bruxelles - 2.183 €

131 m²


131 m² of large retail surfaces for rent on the ground floor of a very nice office building on the prestigious Avenue Louise. Idealy located next to the Chaussée de Vleurgat with a lot of horeca facilities and shops in the vicinity. This building has been completely renovated. To facilitate the installation of the occupants, a receptionist is placed at their disposal. They can enjoy a garden adjoining the building as well as a coffee bar during their break. Excellent parking ratio, recharging docks for electrical cars. Showers and parking for bikes. The building offers qualitative office spaces to grade "A" tenants with plenty of amenities such as a conference center, a restaurant, a business center and a huge terrace for your midday lunches. Excellent BREEAM certificate. Communal + regional taxes approx.: 21 €/m²/year, Charges : 45 €/m²/year, Property taxes approx.: 46 €/m²/year, (no contractual information). Do you want to receive a selection? Do you want to have an overview of the available offices in a street or in the vicinity


Avenue Louise Louizalaan 277-289 - 1000 Bruxelles


Referentie 6305417
Categorie Commercieel gelijkvloers
Oppervlakte 131 m²
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk


Bouwjaar 1


airco Ja
toiletten M/V Ja


commercieel opp. Ja
restaurant Ja


Type buurt stadskern
Commercieel gelijkvloers 1000 Bruxelles 2.183 €


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