Kantoor - te huur - 1000 Bruxelles - 235 €

2813 m²


Brand new office building ideally located in the heart of the European District. Easily accessible by public transport, this building benefits from the proximity of Brussels-Luxembourg train station and bus access to Parc Léopold. It offers huge, modern, high-standard office space designed with respect for the environment, as the project aims to become a green lung right in the centre of this prestigious district. Everything has been designed to provide maximum comfort for future occupants, including a reception area, showers and lockers, a fitness room, bicycle parking, electric car terminals, catering facilities and terraces. A beautiful courtyard and landscaped garden are sure to delight occupants during short sunny breaks. Certification BREEAM 'Outstanding. Prices are on request and will be closed upon delivery of the project. PEB : to be received


Rue de la Loi 44-52 44 - 1000 Bruxelles


Referentie 5875472
Categorie Kantoor
Gemeubeld Nee
Oppervlakte 2813 m²
Beschikbaarheid 01-10-2026
Kantoor 1000 Bruxelles 235 €


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