Kantoor - te huur - 1000 Bruxelles - 21.249 €

2 1186 m²


This Property is an office buiding with retail on the ground floor and parking in the basement. Major renovation works took place in 2021 and 2022 (entrance hall, roof, window frames, elevator locks). The City Center enjoys now a direct and secured access to the City2 Shopping Mall and the famous rue Neuve. Brussels North train station is one metro station away. Its unique façade in Art Deco style was preserved and enhanced by contemporary accents. With a focus on sustainability, 940 solar panels were recently installed on the building. Moreover, the City Center obtained a BREEAM “Excellent” certification. Different public carparks in the near vicinity. City Center benefits from the whole range of services offered by the City2 Shopping Mall (food court, shops, supermarket, Bpost/ UPS pick up and shipping point, pressing, ATM, hairdresser, …). • Communal & regional taxes approx.: 18 €/m²/year • Charges : 35 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx.: 38 €/m²/year • PEB: To be received This information is not contractual


Boulevard du Jardin Botanique Kruidentuinlaan 20 - 1000 Bruxelles


Referentie 6616617
Categorie Kantoor
Gemeubeld Nee
Oppervlakte 1186 m²
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk


Bouwjaar 2001
parking binnen Ja
parking buiten Nee

Naam, Categorie & Ligging

verdiepingen - aantal 7


voorzieningen gehand. Ja
keuken - type volledig geïnstalleerd

In cijfers

aantal douchekamers 2

Administratief & Financieel

lasten (€/m²/j) - prijs/m²/j 35 €
gemeente belastingen (€/m²/j) 9 €
regionale belastingen (€/m²/j) 9 €


Type buurt stadskern


elektriciteitskeuring beschikbaar ja, conform

Prijs & kosten

onroerende voorheffing - prijs/m²/j 38 €


EPC unieke code -
Kantoor 1000 Bruxelles 21.249 €


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