Kantoorgebouw - te huur - 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert -

466 m²


Located at 46 Albert Elisabeth, this office building boasts a prime location between Mérode, Montgomery, and Georges Henri, just steps away from Rue des Tongres. Recently renovated, it offers 16 individual offices in a modern and functional setting, perfect for a company seeking exclusive occupancy. Recent upgrades, including a new roof, an efficient heating system, and double-glazed windows, ensure excellent comfort and energy efficiency. With enhanced insulation, the building benefits from notably low operational costs. Ideally connected to public transport and major roadways, this property combines outstanding accessibility with a vibrant and pleasant environment. As a bonus, occupants will enjoy a lovely garden. A rare opportunity to establish your business in a high-quality space. • Charges approx. : Private only • Communal and regional taxes approx. : 16 €/m²/year • Property taxes approx. : 15 €/m²/year This information is not contractual.


Albert-Elisabethlaan 46 - 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert


Referentie 6500684
Categorie Kantoorgebouw
Gemeubeld Nee
Beschikbaarheid onmiddellijk
Kantoorgebouw 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

Oppervlakte en prijs

Type Prijs Oppervlakte
ALBERT ELISABETH 46 Kantoor 4500 € 466 m²

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