

Prestigious mansion house located in the emblematic Saint Gilles district. The building forms a property complex comprising three separate entities: the Hôtel Winssinger, a spectacular 430 m² triplex with unique architectural features, a private garden and a large cellar. It provides an unrivalled setting for work or exhibitions. In the centre, the 345 m² Art Deco central gallery is a sumptuous space under a majestic glass roof, ideal for events or as a premium retail space. In the back of the building, the 155 m² duplex office space combines elegance and functionality, making it perfect for quality offices. This property offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of Brussels' architectural heritage, combining historic elegance with contemporary comfort. In the event of a split of the building, several combinations are possible: Hotel Winssinger and Galerie Art-déco or Galerie Art-déco and the offices at the rear. Three parkings have been reserved for the front section, two for the central section and one for the rear section.


Referentie Prijs Oppervlakte Slaapkamers Terras Tuin Plan


66 Rue de l'Hôtel des Monnaies 1060 Saint-GillesBelgië


* Verplichte velden


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